Client Reviews & Testimonials
Our Shared Human Experience
Serving professionals in law, criminal justice, education, healthcare, nonprofits, international aid, peacebuilding, investigation, defense, disaster relief, social services, higher ed, tech, retail, science, and more.
“It was so healing to be able to share these thoughts with fellow educators and realize I am not alone in this struggle."
— NYC DOE Educator
"The perfect atmosphere was created for insight, epiphany, and growth."
— Staff Supervisor, New York Presbyterian Hospital
“You gave me back the control I felt I was losing.”
— Public Defender
Stop PTSD before it starts.
Protection and repair from high-stress positions.
“As a leader, my eyes were opened to the vast impact of trauma on myself and my staff and I was able to take effective action.”
— Commissioner, NYC
"I could not have gotten to the place I am today without your compassion, diligence, and ability to see me as me.”
— Fortune 500 Executive
“Every social worker and teacher needs these skills and this support to deal with the challenges of their job.”
— Social Worker, NYC Public Schools Shelter System
“This has given us the patience to understand where our department manager may be coming from, and enlightened us to be better communicators - or at least more tolerant - because we now have the tools to survive.”
— First Responder, NYC
“I have a new life! Thanks to you and your work, everything is different. My health, mental health, family dynamics, and work/life balance are better now than when I began my career in international aid work 15 years ago."
—Executive Director, NGO
“I’ve been noticing a build-up, over several years now, of vicarious trauma making me physically sick. Now I have concrete ways to deal with that and colleagues who understand.”
— Social Worker, Nonprofit
“With your support, I was able to navigate the abrupt change in my role. Instead of fear, I felt empowered to start working in the field, despite the increased risks with COVID-19. That’s saying a lot.”
— First Responder, NYC
“I was able to survive a deep depression. You listened and understood what I was going through in a way that others could not. ”
— Nonprofit Professional, NYC
“This workshop was really helpful because my last job almost killed me so having tools helps, and I do believe this work really changes things.”
— Crisis Response
"I would be devastated if this program was cut and not offered again. This program is needed at the, especially during this critical time. We are not only dealing with the constant stressors of our work (caseload, protocol changes all the time, health, supervising probationers, the unknown and etc.) but our personal lives are affected too. This program is essential and necessary with the work we do.
—Probation Officer, NYC
“I've gained new skills, gotten support, and started new healthy practices at work and home. This program has changed my life. It gave me insight into my colleagues and that gave me a lot of empathy for us all."
— Corrections Officer
“This program has impacted my life in so many ways. I'm learning more about myself each and every training. I'm able to open up to my fellow colleagues and focus on self-care. Now I know I am not alone."
— Assistant Principal, NYC Charter School
Support Your Staff
*CEU eligible services.
“I’ve stopped feeling bad about the symptoms and learned to take action for myself, but more importantly how to take action with my colleagues to help each other.”
— Educator, NYC Public Schools
“Thank you for sharing your story. Last week, I was contemplating crossing the center line to drive into an oncoming truck. This retreat has given me hope and a way forward. Now I know I am not alone."
— Rural Nursing Supervisor
"I recommend this to ALL STAFF on all levels. This program makes you really do a self-reflection and also reflect on others that one interacts with daily.”
— NGO Professional
“Our managers and supervisors would benefit from this group. We can learn to respect each other and find a point where bridges of communication can be built.”
— First Responder, NYC
“I prefer Taryn's approach to traditional therapy professionals I've had in the past. She actually listens and never comes across as judgmental ever!!!."
— Law Enforcement Officer
"A deep connection established weekly through the group process. We identified ourselves in each other and supported members' healing and growth. Being part of this community gets me through the most difficult times in a healthy way."
— Educator, NYC Public Schools